barbie maldonado



Illustrator | Concept Artist



1 Simple Game

Internship, Guadalajara, MX.

1 Simple Game

I did my internships at 1 Simple Game, a video game studio located in Guadalajara, where I worked with a team of illustrators to create artwork for social media with their video game characters, where I was mostly in charge of coming up with ideas, clean up and render. Then I started working in one of their games, Mafia Kings, as a clean up artist.

Social Media Art

Concept, clean up and render

Mafia Kings

Clean up and render


2D artist, Women’s Game Jam 2023

Lead concept artist and illustrator for Cat-arsis, a 2D game developed during the WGJ 2023, in the course of a weekend.

Personal Work

Studies, concepts, WIPs, doodles

color studies 1

'celestial me' character sheets

color studies 2

'celestial me' high school concepts